About Me

"Even in our darkest moments, we can reach for the light." 

-Hattie Quinn

Love is all we need.

Hattie Quinn is an author, public speaker, Google Workspace Administrator, and a Writing for Film and Television graduate of Los Angeles Film School (April 2024). She returned to writing in 2013 after an involuntary hiatus while she learned to cope with trauma. Since her return, she has been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology for Short Story (2017) and Nonfiction Essay (2019) and for the Pushcart Prize for Short Fiction (2022). 

Hattie is a multipotentialite* on her latest adventure as a screenwriter and aspiring filmmaker after having been a latch-key kid turned addict turned survivor turned homeschooler and volunteer. In the many phases of Hattie, she has been a restaurant manager, defense contractor’s Facility Security Officer, emergency responder, paralegal, and leadership training coordinator. She is an amateur chef, board-, card-, and video-gamer, Thelemic priestess, and student of mythology, folklore, world religions, and tarot. 

As a GenXer raised by television, she is excited to use this wealth of experience to fulfill the interrupted dreams of her youth. Hattie’s a middle-aged momma who believes children are our future, love is all we need, and that we all have a purpose in life that would bring us fulfillment if we would only get out of the way. 

She excels at collaboration and inclusion and can easily lead or support a team. Her dream is to run a show and mentor others beginning their journeys, and she would be honored to study under or shadow showrunners who feel the same. 

 Learn more or follow her on Instagram/Facebook or Medium (@hattiequinnauthor).

*A jane-of-all-trades...yes, that one, too. 

The Many Facets of Hattie Quinn



Karaoke Singer